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Hits: 3509


SES Explorer, XINYANG HONG led an expedition to Selin Cuo, a 4,500m plateau in Tibet. Studies included monitoring how the endangered black-necked crane and other wildlife within the region are responding to increasing levels of industrial disturbance to the wetland habitat. Xinyang is now finalising the trailer for a planned documentary to raise awareness of the issues, to be screened within Tibet, wider and at various conservation and documentary festivals and events.

SES Explorer, RACHEL BLOW led a team to study 5 species of lemur and their habitat in Tampolo Forest, Madagascar and also undertake a sociological study of villagers to assess how they are adapting to increased exploitation of these areas. Preliminary findings were presented to local bodies and to the University of Antananarivo (students participated in the studies), and a full report will be circulated to relevant bodies. Rachel now hopes to start a PhD in conservation and ecology, whilst continuing her work as a STEM ambassador promoting global conservation in schools.